Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tigger and Cinnamonrose... x3

Tiggerkat tagged ALL of her followers...  Cinnamonrose tagged anyone who read her post.  So here's the rulesssss:
1.  You must re-post these rules
2. You must post 10 things about yourself
3.  You must answer the questions provided by the tagger
4.  you must make up 10 new questions for the person you tag
5  you must tag 2 people 

Okay so....  I guess 20 facts..?

1. I once had a pet squirrel but we let it go.
2. We saved a baby raccoon before.
3. I saw a baby raccoon get what I think was purposely ran over.
4. Yesterday me and my sister were laughing a lot.
5. Mindy is my only full sister.
6. I don't like storms.
7. I'm going to be homeschooled on the internet. ^.^
8. I usually don't see too many new movies.
9. I have weird dreams.
10. One of my dreams included a realistic hologram of my dog running in our yard.
11. I don't hunt.
12. I'm not a vegetarian.
13. I love Easter and Christmas.
14. I'm not in any sports.
15. When I think it might storm I try to pray for it not to.
16. I didn't go on vacation this year but I went to smaller trips.
17. I have been to caverns with lights in them.
18. I don't really like dubstep. :P
19. I found $20 on the parking lot before and got to keep it.
20. I found $50 in school and gave it to the office, they found the owner.

Cinnamonrose's questions:
1. Would you rather sleep without a teddy bear or sleep on the floor (with everything you need)?
Sleep without a teddy bear. :P
2. What would you do if you found out you just won $10,000?Look around and see if anyone was there.  If not MAYBE keep it, but do the right thing first.
3. What would you do if you heard the toilet flush in the middle of the nightby itself?
Probably stay up most of the night.
4. What would you rather do, drink water from the toilet or go to a pool party wearing a ball gown?
Go to a pool party wearing a gown. :P
5. What would you do if someone came up randomly and started polishing your shoes?
Umm...  Either walk away or... say thanks and randomly walk away.
6. Do you like food?
7. Am I (Cinnamonrose) awesome?
Yeah duh. x3
8. Have you ever wet your bed at over 6 years old?
9. Green or red?
10. Red or green?

Tiggerkat;s questions:
1.  What did you wear for a costume last Halloween?
I think a black cat costume
2.   What is the last great Movie you saw?
At home?  Well it wasn't exactly a movie, but pokemon.
3.   If you had a million dollars how many reese cups would you buy for Tiggerkat?
I don't know.....
4.   If you could do one thing ALLLLL Day, what would you do?
Play on the computer or draw. xP
5.  If this was your last meal, what would it be?
I just had cookie dough ice cream...
6.   What do you have from your baby years that you still love?
Hmm...  Well this isn't exactly from when I was a baby, but Whitey the stuffed animal and Baby my real cat.
7.   Mountains or Beaches
Probably beaches even though there's a hill behind our house.
8.  Will you watch the summer olympics ?
Probably not.
9.   Is it Football or Soccar that is played in the World Cup?
I want to say Soccer...
10.  Do you wear socks with your sandels?
It depends.

Who I tag:
Annie and TheSafari07 and whoever else wants to be tagged...

Questions for them:
1. What did you have for breakfast?
2. Do you like pizza?
3. What's your reaction to this video?:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twnSJgt1GdU&feature=my_liked_videos&list=LLe641kWAPC7KWcRO69Q_fug WATCH IT ALL! XD
4. What is your favorite blogger? x3
5. Explain who Flo from progressive commercials is.
6. What do you think of this?:
7. Are you an American?
8. What is your favorite country?
9. Do you use youtube?
10. Turn this on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49AiqH-DuR0&feature=plcp And then start shouting whatever first comes to your mind.  What did you shout...?

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2. No cussing, keep everything clean. This blog is mainly read by kids.
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4. No pretending to be someone you aren't. Just don't do it.

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