Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tagged for the who-knows-timeth

I was tagged by sml2662...........
1.You must repost these rules.2.You must post 10 things about yourself.3.You must anwser the questions provided by the tagger.4.You must make up 10 new questions for the person you tag.
5.You must tag at least 2 people.


The questions i ask if i tag someone:
1. Do you like mshed potatoes?
No :P I don't think I've tried them so NU!
2.Do you want to have a bear or a tiger in your house?
3. Do you like purple?
4.Do you eat salad?
No :P
5. If jammergirl tagged you would you get her back? (IK I WOULD XD)
6.Do you <3 school?
7. Are you weird or no? (XD)
8. Do you like stuffed animals?
9. Do you like polar bears?
10. Do you like my cat BUDDY?

Okayz now my 10 facts:
1. I saw a small blue tailed lizard today, sadly it wasn't alive.
2. I might make a memorial den.
3. I wonder what will happen on my last days with my cats... :'(
4. I ate pizza flavored goldfish crackers.  NOT ACTUAL GOLDFISH 0-0
5. I don't like curse words.
6. If I were to quit Animal Jam I probably could find a good song to make a video with.
7. I might learn another language someday. XD
8. I have a violin I just don't really use it. :P
9. I'm not 8 years old. :P
10. I have a picture I drew of JG and me....  I might show it someday... MAYBE

My questions:
1. Did you read my whole post? :P
2. What is your favorite month?
3. Can ilovemypets8 walk on water?
4. Can ilovemypets8 fly?
5. Can Chuck Norris swim through land? 0-0
6. Are these questions getting weird?
7. Does ilovemypets8 look like a cat? 0-0
8. Have you ever lied about reading this post?
9. How do these questions make you feel?
10. Is ilovemypets8 a spy? 0-0

And....... I tag................

Anyone who read this post.  (Haha Cinnamonrose.) :P


  1. I got permanently banned for doing nothing. I am not Cinnamonrose anymore.

    1. ShadowS5734/CinnamonroseJuly 25, 2012 at 8:00 PM

      Im not bothered to log in, im on my old laptop. My new username is ShadowS5734
      my new blog is


1. Have respect for everyone, we all have our own opinion.
2. No cussing, keep everything clean. This blog is mainly read by kids.
3. Be nice.
4. No pretending to be someone you aren't. Just don't do it.

If you don't follow the rules then your comment shall be removed. MWHAHA!

If you continue to break the rules you will be banned from the blog!

Thanks for reading, and please don't be afraid to comment. :3 <3