Thursday, July 19, 2012

Fox group!

I've decided to make a fox group.  I'm the leader.  It isn't a clan but a group.  We discuss things like foxes and maybe play games.  There are some positions you can be:

at least on everyday for 1 hour
you need to know me for more than a month
you need to know my blog, and youtube

Gold Member
at least on every other day for 1 hour
you need to know me for more than 3 weeks
you need to know my chat box

Silver Member
at least on every other day for 1 hour
you need to know me more than 2 weeks
you need to know my chat box

Bronze Member
at least on every week for 1 hour
you need to know me more than 1 week

Beginning Member
you need to know me more than 1 day

If you are a non-member you can still join, just wear a fox hat if you can.  Here is what you can do with these advantages:

host approved games
host approved chat parties
host approved meetings
talk to me in private
host approved parties
suggest party places
take over if leader is gone

Gold Member:
join chat parties
join games
talk to me in private
have approved parties in your den
suggest party places
take over if co-leader is gone

Silver Member:
join chat parties
join games
talk to me in private
suggest party places

Bronze Member:
join chat parties
join games
talk to me in private

Beginning Member:
join chat parties
join games

If you would like to join put it in the comments!  If you want to be the Co-leader, a Gold Member, etc. tell me first so I can think about it.  If I can't decide then I may hold a contest.

Here are ways you can get kicked out:
being mean
TRYING to hurt someone's feelings

If you get kicked out I can open your position, ban you from our group, or more.  Depending on what you did.  Even if it happens outside the group.

Thanks for reading!  Please tell others too have a nice day!


  1. I wish I could be co-member, but I only met you twice and you're not my friend.. (I wish you were! :D) We should meet up sometime on AJ! .3.

    1. =3 maybe we will! Also I may wait a month before we are all settled... Thank you and please follow x3

  2. I think I have all the requirements for Co-leader but, awww man, I'm kinda busy with my own stuff Dx Could I maybe...copy...the idea? I like the idea alot! ^^

    1. idk... and I wish someone would takeh the place... I understand your tied up... I usually follow the wind...

    2. I'l be Gold Leader :D

    3. Haha thanks JG! What I have decided to do is every month people vote for another co-leader, you can be it again but it is to give lots of people chances. Anyways thanks!


1. Have respect for everyone, we all have our own opinion.
2. No cussing, keep everything clean. This blog is mainly read by kids.
3. Be nice.
4. No pretending to be someone you aren't. Just don't do it.

If you don't follow the rules then your comment shall be removed. MWHAHA!

If you continue to break the rules you will be banned from the blog!

Thanks for reading, and please don't be afraid to comment. :3 <3