Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Cinnamonrose... WHY CHU DO DIS XD (jk)

Tag tag tag.


1. You must re-post these rules.
2. You must post 10 things about yourself.
3. You must answer the questions provided by the tagger.
4. You must make up 10 new questions for the person you tag.
5. You must tag 2 people.

Cinnamonrose some trickster you are!  Well the 10 facts...
1. I had a dream that I met Tiggerkat and she dressed in a costume of tigger...
2. Last night I had a dream that my little sister got ran over (a part of her not all of her) and she couldn't draw anymore. No I wasn't happy.
3. My Dad found a turtle this morning.
4. I had pop tarts for breakfast...
5. Punchy the cat from Animal Crossing is AWESOME!!!
6. Yesterday it was a month from my birthday.
7. I'm eating a cookie.
8. I finished the cookie...
9. Cats are awesome to me...
10. Littlest Pet Shops are cool...

Cinnamonrose's questions:
1. Are you human?
2. What is the answer to (what is x)  17x/140-71=97

Uhhh...3. Would you rather kiss the ground or eat a blade of grass?
That depends...4. Who is your best friend?
A lot of people. =3 Comanche on Animal Jam is one of my real friends.5. What is your favorite food?
Pizza, cake, some other stuff.
6. Do you like camping?

That too depends.
7. Do you like raci
ng games or puzzle games?
racing games? What?
8. What would you rather do; eat plain frozen butter or eat 2 tablespoons of sugar?
SUGAR9. Would you rather eat salt or eat flour?
flour10. Why are aliens good gardeners?       (this is a joke)

I tag......................................
Herber and Snowdog900, and anyone else who wants to be tagged.
1. Red or blue?
2. What is your favorite color?
3. Do you use youtube?
4. Is ilovemypets8 a cat? 0-0
5. Forest or city?
6. New York or Paris?
7. Do you like drama?
8. Cats or Fish?
9. Do you like to be "famous".
10. What got you here to blogger?

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1. Have respect for everyone, we all have our own opinion.
2. No cussing, keep everything clean. This blog is mainly read by kids.
3. Be nice.
4. No pretending to be someone you aren't. Just don't do it.

If you don't follow the rules then your comment shall be removed. MWHAHA!

If you continue to break the rules you will be banned from the blog!

Thanks for reading, and please don't be afraid to comment. :3 <3