Wednesday, July 25, 2012

tagged AGAIN

Wolfstar62867 tagged me...  So by now you guys might just become a stalker with all these facts... 0-0

Oh and the rules:

  1. You must re-post these rules.
  2. You must post 10 things about yourself.
  3. You must answer the questions provided by the tagger.
  4. You must make up 10 new questions for the people you tag.
  5. You must tag at least 2 people.

The facts:
1. I listen to lots of different music, but dubstep isn't my type.
2. People who tend to ignore me bother me.
3. I'm going to get a girly canopy bed. .-.  
4. Yes I did pick out the bed.  I just like canopies :P
5. I'm easily freaked out.
6. Halloween is a nightmare!
7. The internet has given me friends, but also problems.
8. I have seen foxes in real I think...
9. I love my rabbit.
10. My rabbit is a dwarf albino rabbit.  Its name is Cupcake. =3

I tag............ 
Anyone else who wants to be tagged

1. Where did you find out about Animal Jam?
2. What is the most boring game you ever played on the internet? 
3. Which is more dramatic to you? Animal Jam or real life?
4. Are you happy with yourself...?
5. Do you want beta days back?
6. Do you think that it is okay to take animals into space?
7. Have you ever been hacked on any game?
8. Isn't ilovemypets8 crazzzzzzzzzy?

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1. Have respect for everyone, we all have our own opinion.
2. No cussing, keep everything clean. This blog is mainly read by kids.
3. Be nice.
4. No pretending to be someone you aren't. Just don't do it.

If you don't follow the rules then your comment shall be removed. MWHAHA!

If you continue to break the rules you will be banned from the blog!

Thanks for reading, and please don't be afraid to comment. :3 <3