Sunday, July 22, 2012

Been Tagged by Tiggerkat =3

So everyone has been tagging around, Tigger choose meh.  x3
So here's the rules (yes I did copy + paste it)

1. You must re-post these rules.
2. You must post 10 things about yourself.
3. You must answer the questions provided by the tagger.
4. You must make up 10 new questions for the person you tag.
5. You must tag 2 people.

My 10 facts...

1. My username came from webkinz that I made when I was 8.  (I think, but I'm not 8 anymore =P)
2. When I was little I wanted to have wolf pups when I grew up.
3. I like daytime light when I'm awake and I like sleeping at night to see my pretend world.  =3
4. My Dad was an artist before I was alive, he told me he once had 2 foxes.
5. This one is strange to some but, I'm a Cilan fan. x3
6. My b-day is in August, making me a Virgo, but I'm sort of close to a Leo.
7. I'm not the world's biggest snake fan, my Dad almost got bitten by a poisonous one.
8. When I grow up I hope to have lots of pets!
9. I once won a vacation, a drawing thing, most of the kids were smaller I guess...
10. My first Animal on Animal Jam was my rabbit, Animal Jam was weird to be at first...

Now Tigger's questions:
 1.  Large Reese Cups or Mini Reese Cups? 
2.  What's your Favorite Number of Reese Cups to eat in a Day?
As many as I can without getting sick. x3
3.  Orange or Brown?
50 50...  Both are nice
4.  How Old Were you when you Had Your First Reese Cup?
No clue... 3? 
5.  Where were you that last time you ate a Reese Cup?
My house
6.  What is your favorite meal of the day to eat Reese Cups?
After I ate a main thing like dinner, save the best for last. x3
7.  Do you think they should teach about Reese Cups at school?

8.  If you could go back in time, where (when) would you take your Reese Cups? 
To when people came up with shots that make animals go to sleep forever, to randomly throw Reese Cups at them.
9.  If you could go anywhere in the world to eat Reese Cups, where would you go?
Italy... or Japan...
10.  Do you think my obsession with Reese Cups is abnormal?
You just REALLY like Reese Cups x3  So it's kinda weird, which that's cool, because if everyone was "normal"...

Now my questions for who I tag:
1. Your parents say you can get a kitten or a puppy.  Which do you choose?

2. What was your first pet?

3. Who is your fave...?  Cress, Cilan, or Chilli...? (google it, they're from pokemon black and white.)

4. If you had a monkey would you only have one if they're rare?

5. Where did your username come from?

6. If you could have 1 wish (other than more wishes) what would you want?

7. What is your favorite animal?

8. Have you ever won a cool contest?

9. What's your religion? 

Now finally x3....

I TAG....

Hmm... Well more than 2 people I hope that's allowed...

Cinnamonrose, Wolfstar, Suppergirl28, JammerGirl, Dragonologist, and Jenny.

Well anyways read the rules x3

Have a nice day
Best of wishes


  1. thanks for playing! I guess you get your art talents from your Dad!! I like that you wanted a wolf pup, I've always wanted a pet tiger! (I mean tigger!)


1. Have respect for everyone, we all have our own opinion.
2. No cussing, keep everything clean. This blog is mainly read by kids.
3. Be nice.
4. No pretending to be someone you aren't. Just don't do it.

If you don't follow the rules then your comment shall be removed. MWHAHA!

If you continue to break the rules you will be banned from the blog!

Thanks for reading, and please don't be afraid to comment. :3 <3