Thursday, April 19, 2012


I didn't exactly say I was going to quit forever.  I still said I was thinking about it, and I'd have to see how it goes in the summer.  If I get a pool at my new house then I'm most likely to be in it a lot.  This summer I have to go to Florida for maybe 2 weeks and as of now I don't own a laptop.  So I still have to wait....


  1. new house?? I hope you get a pool! I love swimming!! Tell your parents to come to Belize for vacation, there is a "blue hole" in the jungle that you can swim in. I looks like a pond but really it is where an underground river breaks to the surface, very cool!

  2. You werethe loyalest friend I've ever known, even when you were bullied or something you would just keep going. I'm sad to see you go and I'll miss you, I give you luck...maybe one of these days you'll return. Don't delete the blog, please. We can still learn from you! Good-bye, sorry your quitting but this is your descision I guess...please don't leave! But you can if you want :(

    - ~Jenny7~

    1. I still haven't made up my mind... I have to wait for summer. But thanks...

  3. Hope your summer is awesome! I hope you get a pool, I am not the best swimmer on the planet but it is really fun! Either way if you quit or not I support you in any decision you make!
    I am sorry in the past I broke you but I still hope we can always be friends. Maybe our paths will cross one day. I think Florida will be awesome ( especially sense I have never been.) and I hope you will have a blast!
    Remember you're my awesome friend!

  4. Oh man I really hope you don't quit! If you do, though, I understand. I hope you get a pool at your new house!

  5. Thanks everyone, thanks friends! I'll never call you guys fans--- it'll always be friend.


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