Sunday, April 22, 2012

Call me a loser...

Been called a loser before?  Well you can tell this to the person:
Yeah I'm a loser.  But I'm the awesomest loser you'll ever meet and at least I don't lose my awesomeness like you.

Yeah call me a loser, it can be made a compliment.


  1. Do you know this song by Audio Adrenaline, "Get Down"? if not you should listen to it online. THere is a verse that says "to life your life you've got to loose it and all the losers get a crown" Its a great song that reminds you to remember what's really important!

  2. Alright, you win the epic award XD

  3. Yea just yesterday my friend called me a loser and I said that and she was so bummed out XD Thanks!


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