Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Award of Awesomeness!

Okay so I thought of something cool.  My idea was to do an awesome  Jammer award.  I will give out new awards every once in awhile (or maybe not too long).  But anyways the only people who can qualify for this award is someone who follows my blog, (or someone i know).  So here's the first award!!!  Drum roll please!

It is not too big but you can still read it.  Congratulations to TigerTiger1999.  She is very loyal, nice, and fun.  I really enjoy having her as a friend.  If you get a chance to meet her, you should.  TigerTiger1999 is my buddy, and she is really kind to me.

Want to get an award?  Then put your username below in the comments!


  1. Aww.. Thank you so much :D Hey do you mind if I could do an award thing too? Err no one follows my blog but you >.<

  2. Sure ya could, I don't mind! Glad you like it!

  3. Also to get more blog members, you could join more AJ blogs because people then might follow your blog. Also ask people in Jamma if they use Blogger.


1. Have respect for everyone, we all have our own opinion.
2. No cussing, keep everything clean. This blog is mainly read by kids.
3. Be nice.
4. No pretending to be someone you aren't. Just don't do it.

If you don't follow the rules then your comment shall be removed. MWHAHA!

If you continue to break the rules you will be banned from the blog!

Thanks for reading, and please don't be afraid to comment. :3 <3