Tuesday, June 26, 2012

You'd never guess

In iwannagetexwithilovemypets8's den there were pillows that were gonna spell something bad.

Guys I quit.


  1. I went to that den! OMG its SOOO bad!! D: But please don't quit. I will make a video to show everyone and tell everyone to report this den. Did you email Animal jam HQ about this. They might ban the username if you do. Again, please don't quit! We would all miss you so much. :(

  2. Please don't quit, that's horrible. I'll miss you lots if you do :( REPORT, REPORT, AND REPORT!!!

  3. me and my sis reported him please don't quit!D:

  4. don't let the haters win! stand strong, look at all the good friends who love and support you! focus on them and not the haters........

  5. All I see there are pillows... xP


1. Have respect for everyone, we all have our own opinion.
2. No cussing, keep everything clean. This blog is mainly read by kids.
3. Be nice.
4. No pretending to be someone you aren't. Just don't do it.

If you don't follow the rules then your comment shall be removed. MWHAHA!

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Thanks for reading, and please don't be afraid to comment. :3 <3