Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Video about my cats including pics

Well there you have it.  :'(


  1. THIS. IS. SO. SAD! I almost cried! And, about Princess...we had a cat that had three kittens and went missing WAY after she had kittens, too! She had three litters of kittens and the third litter kittens are now 15 years old. In human years. They are very nice old cats and live with our creepy cat named Pea-nut. He makes creeeeeeepy noises and won't let anyone pick him up or pet him and he lives in the cellar. All the other cats treat him like dirt. Except one, who licks him and is like a father to him :) We also have a weirdo cat that is 4/3 idk which and she claws me. I have to pretend she is my sister and I like to pick her up and annoy her since she always hisses and scratches and meows angrily at me. I luv her anyway. I am so sorry that you have had a tough time with your beloved pets :( May god have sided with you. I hope none of our cats go missing or the kitten I'll get in the end of summer/mid-way-summer/fall. The video is touching.

  2. WHY DID U GET BABY DECLAWED? cats cant live without claws! its part of their life..

    1. Well they might kinda be growing back but she knows our mountains well. I was little then and maybe they were already like that from the pet shop. But I can't remember.

  3. Baby is beautiful!! And it sounds like she has alot of personality! Since she is declawed she should stay inside. Here's an idea that maybe will help with your outdoor cats?? There are a couple of people around me that have cat kennels! They are like dog kennels, but with fenced roof (to keep them in and predators out). Then they fill it with lots of cool cat perches, ladders, monkey bars etc so there is alot to do in there! Maybe you could talk your parents into building one as a summer project and then you could keep your outdoor cats safe?

    1. I'm gonna try to see if she'll stay in. She simply would run away from our new location if she was outside. I should talk my aunt into that stuff lol. She's the one that told my dad to get me new rabbits and she knows what loving a pet feels like because of her 9 year old dog.

    2. Good Luck! I'll say a prayer!


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