Monday, March 12, 2012

Star in my movie!

 Hey everyone you might not notice but, I'm making a movie!  If you want to be in it you click what I've circled in red.

There are a lot of parts, and if the actors/actresses are good I'll record it and put it on youtube.  I hope I can fill up those parts.  Shadow (the role) is taken by Jammer Girl.  I hope you'll decide to be in it.  Be sure that if you would like to audition be sure to go on that page and comment with who you would like to be.  Thanks for reading and have a Jammin' great time!


  1. umm.... hi i need help, i really wanna be in your movie! but... 1st of all i don't have screencast o mattic or how ever you spell it...,
    and 2th of all i can't the thing you have lined! please help me ilovemypets8!!

    1. i meant to say i can't find the thing you have lined, i can't write today!!!!


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