Sunday, March 4, 2012

The meanies who hurt my feelings

Hello Jammers!  I'm not a very happy girl today!  Boltiscool123, reina74, and some other people making me sad today.  One was "eating" Windsky.  And some other stuff.  My fake brother (bolt69147) said to his other brother and sister that he didn't have another family.  Also the people making me sad reminded me of my pets.  Which is VERY sad!  So I'm not way too happy!  When I changed my den to a barn boltiscool123 said were you born in here?  How rude!  So not too much of a good day!


  1. are we still cool DX so sorry reina eats everything and bolt69147 didn't know wht was going on!!!!!!! -boltiscool23

  2. We are... Aww... You didn't follow my blog. ); But thanks for the sorry. Though it did hurt my feelings. When I said I had to go in my bathroom and cry I did mean it!

  3. DX so sorry oh and the reason why is i just made this account to comment but im probable going to get hooked on it anyways ^_^ btw i saw your blog before and <3 it but still im really sorry 3X

  4. Wow Bolt Wow I'm so sorry for him he's a little sane in the membrane.

  5. That made me feel a little better. YAY SCHOOL HAS A 2 HOUR DELAY. Sorry it is just great news for me because a girl in my class is RUDE.

  6. lol X3 and chessnut i know that is true but you had to say it -.-' oh well lol X3


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