Monday, January 21, 2013

A bad week so far

[Non-AJ related]  Yesterday mine/my sister's bird died.  I saw him laying in the bottom of the cage with his pal beside him.  I got my mom and she held it to see if it had an injuries.  Well later I went to get my suagr glider's food, I come back and notice he had fell off the standing stick and was lying breathlessly on the floor of the cage.  His friend went down to him.  I feel like I didn't do enough...

A few days earlier my fish died, and our other betta the day after.  I'm so sad...  I can remember when I got my betta, I was already talking about what kind of fish I would get after he passed away.  I don't think my parents will get another fish for me.  :(

Also to add onto the bird problem, that night, a.k.a. last night I had a dream.  One part of that dream included seeing the bird in his cage, alive.  I was so happy in that dream...


  1. Aw... I am so so so sorry for you! D:
    Just listen to Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows, it may cheer you up :)

    1. Unicorns are actually rhinos... Hehe..

    2. picturing pink fluffy rhinos dancing on rainbows----that does cheer one up!

      **hugs to you**
      sorry for you rough week / losses

    3. Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows is a song. It's like Nyan Cat.

  2. Replies
    1. DX Thank you guys, once again for your lovely comments.

  3. Hey pets! Your a great author and I would love to have you on my blog life's written truth! Wanna join? Just comment on it!



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