Friday, November 30, 2012

How Animal Jam is Going to Make a FORTUNE

So by the title you can guess what this will be about....   Yep Animal Jam MONEY time!!!  Alright so how?  Many ways they'll suck in your money or your parents.  Well, the first way....  MEMBERSHIPS.

Memberships are sort of out of control.  Everyone wants them who plays pretty much.  Those who don't get one are left out with the pitiful choices of things.  For example: Everything accept for 2 or 3 items in Epic Wonders are non-member.  Most members are more likely to have more buddies, etc.  Memberships are from 5 dollars to like 50.  Worth it?  Maybe.  Maybe not.  That's money we could have saving for something big.

 Now Animal Jam Outfitters...  They used to not even have this section.  But now they do and are going to make LOADS more money.  First they only had the T-shirts for sell.  They are adding onto their collection though.  Animal Jam seems to keep the wolf shirt, the wolf being the most popular Jamma animal. 

Also Animal Jam Outfitters have been coming out with lots of things lately.  After the shirts they added memberships to the items, and of course the Hummingbird.  Soon the lion was there too.  But Animal Jam Headquarters started selling gems!  Gems can be totally free though!

 Then they added things like bracelets (actually I think they have a good cause), and stickers.  Well I found out today they made a wolf poster.  It costs like 10 dollars!  Worth it?  I don't really think so.  Animal Jam used to donate to the ASPCA (that's for animals and stuff), but I don't know if they do so anymore.  Hmm...?

 Comment your thoughts.


  1. Well Club Penguin is much more worse... basically EVERYTHING on CP needs membership!

    1. Also I don't have membership on Animal Jam because it's not worth it. All the items are just a bunch of pixels. And all the 'super rare' users are more 'popular' and 'famous' just because of some pixels.

    2. I've never played CP and don't exactly plan to. And true about the items. So true.

    3. there should be a "like" button for Fallen Angels comment!!!!! XD

  2. Wow, on AJ yesterday some wolf said animal jam was going to shut down next month or week. I called her a liar and so did a friend of mine.(hes a snow leopard). So she kept on saying it around jamaa. I was like seriously. IT NG KIDS!! They have money. HECK, THEY'RE BILLIONAIRES!!

  3. 1. you could contact AJHQ and ask what charities they participate in
    2. they have to hire people to build and maintain servers, to do the graphics, design the games, and maintain the website among other things I can't think of, so on the one hand, this is what your membership is paying for
    3. If you make a product that people are willing to buy, why not be allowed to make money? there is no shame in making money, its just what you do with that money that matters.

    all IMHO.......I'm not disagreeing w/ you, just playing "devils advocate"

    Reese Cups for Everyone!!!

    1. Well they do funds for big cats, and ASPCA has been given over 2 million, but I think they're going a bit crazy. I don't think I want to buy a poster for 10 bucks D:

    2. prolly cheaper than a beiber poster, tho!! But I agree, they are over priced!! =)

  4. Agreed, They have like thousands of dollars, here is some stuff they have.
    AJO (AJ Outfitters)
    That's crazy.
    They get so much money just from them.
    I'm trying to say that they don't NEED more money they just want more. Agreed?
    Actually, but they use some of the money to keep the game, but other stuff is crazy.

  5. Oh, and you know about Peta?

    "In a perfect world, animals would be free to live their lives to the fullest, raising their young and following their natural instincts in their native environments. Domesticated dogs and cats, however, cannot live 'free' in our concrete jungles, so we are responsible for their care. People with the time, money, love, and patience to make a lifetime commitment to an animal can make an enormous difference by adopting an animal from a shelter or rescuing an animal from a perilous life on the streets. It is important, also, to keep our companion animals from reproducing, which perpetuates a class of animals who are forced to rely on humans to survive."

    Found that on their website. They say they 'provide homes for animals', but what they actually think is that pets like cats and dogs shouldn't exist. They kill more animals than people adopt from them.

    1. Well I've used peta for multiple searches. Also it says:
      Companion Animals

      For every lucky dog or cat who has a comfortable home, nutritious food, and loving guardians, countless other dogs and cats are suffering at the hands of incompetent or abusive people, are struggling to survive on the streets, or are waiting in animal shelters for a good home.

      Mind me asking how you knew I go to peta...? But if you would read about the fur industry and animal testing. It's bad.

    2. when the fur industry existed for animals such as fox, beaver, etc. animal populations were controlled and healthier (sounds weird, but hear me out) When the populations have no controls (which in NE USA the only predator is man) they grow exponentially and disease spreads, we now have so many cases of rabies exposure every year when 30 years ago there were rarely any rabid animals. Also Lyme disease is spreading like wild fire bc of there being fewer deer hunters and that is effecting many, many people, including myself and some of my friends.

      so, I'm not saying people should kill animals for the sake of killing them (few people really do that) but hunting / trapping should be promoted rather than hindered. I know that is hard on the heart, but it is more humane than packing animals tightly on a truck and slaughter houses

      PETA should focus on things like using live dogs as shark bait and other cruel things. they should make sure slaughter houses are not cruel and fight poaching (illegal hunting) instead of ridiculous things like wanting legal rights for animals and freedom for "enslaved" pets, etc. The crazies make all of PETA look bad.

    3. However the conditions are unbearable. I agree with you but lots of times people own "Backyard Tigers". There's nothing wrong with legally hunting a deer, but if it was a white deer I would want it preserved.

  6. @Ilovemypets---you sure do know how to stir up a discussion! Great topic! XD

  7. Hello!
    I would like to nigociate (if that's how you spell it?) a trade for your tricolour cat on Chicken Smoothie. My username on there is Rainyivy and I would like that particular cat because it resembles both a cat in real life and one in the story I am writing. I would do this through CS but I am under COPPA. So what would you like for the cat in question?


    -I shall comment this on every single blog that I know of! :D

  9. My Great grandmother founded ASPCA, so her soul expects copyrights.

    1. What...? Um lots of people use ASPCA. And ASPCA was founded by a man.

  10. Ya, when i thought of Animaljam getting money i thought of memberships, but AJ outfitters never occurred to me for some reason... I hate when you're playing animaljam and you accidentally click the outfitters... lol

    1. XD I usually click the AJ homepage and it logs me out. Ahhh >_<

  11. when i saw animal jam,i was like whoa! then i saw people with spare care of shape and i was wat is that? then i clicked on the thing at the bottom it says animal jam i clicked that and it brought me too this shop place and i was looking around and i saw this thing like 'club peinguin' if you played it so i saw the member ship and it was 15$ i was not so happy about that and all i got the member ship it was not really worth it so that's my idea ^_^

  12. and my username is minecraft14785 non member now not that fun but it's o.k and i was in a ved not to long ago so i think it is a hauted house? i think thats one and the hi from may???

  13. I absolutely HATE bragging but, I've been lucky enough to get an AJ membership around every six months


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