Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Monday, September 17, 2012

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Kaitlyn0618 is a scammer.  Don't trust her. She wants your bow....

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hi!!! Blogger isn't working well for me. D: Please pray it will. I had to go to my blog, hit post and then HTML to type. I can't even give it a title. But along with bad stuff there is something HORRIBLE.... It made me feel icky to watch it.... Link: I'm warning you it's horrible! Also it is hard for me to see comments on older posts so please tell me when you comment on an older post. Thanks for your time, the updates came out too.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Off to a bad start?

You guys dunno probably, but I moved.  Yes sirre.  And lovin' it.  So....  I'm kinda peeved off a bit.  My Dad and I  got these little outdoor decor before, a squirrel, a deer, and a snail.  We put the three on the tree stump in our yard.  Well here's what's makin' me UPSEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET...  We have neighbors....  And well the snail and squirrel were missing!  I got those when I was little!!!  We have neighbor kids....  :'(  This might seem like a bad reason to be sad, but I am.  The neighbors have RESPECT (like A LOT) for my Dad.  He isn't the man to mess with.  Just pray for everything to be okay.  I hope the decorations are lost in the yard, (it's dark) but if not I might be sad.  :'(

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Jammers sent in lots of great entries for the most recent News Crew Assignment! There were so many good articles about pet turtle care, but the winning entry was sent in byMiss Jellybelly! Read Miss Jellybelly’s article below, and check back later this week for the next News Crew Assignment!
Turtles are very fascinating animals! You may even want one. But there are many things you need to do to care for your turtle and make it the healthiest turtle!
First you need to set up a tank with at least a 40 gallon capacity with separate land and water areas, as well as a sun lamp for your turtle to warm itself under. Make sure a turtle has enough room to live in, making sure it has enough light, shade and clean water. Make sure it has the food that are healthy for them.
You also need to clean your turtles bedding at least once a week and the tank once a month. Also change its water daily! Leave your turtle in the cage. The change in temperature between inside and outside the cage is bad for them.
There are many kinds of turtles, but my research shows that the best kind of turtle to have as a pet is a Painted turtle. They are easy to care for, but are very interesting pets.
Remember that all turtle are unique and need a lot of assistance, but with the help and care from their owners, they can be a VERY healthy turtle and live for a long time!
-Miss Jellybelly
This is TheSafari07!  Congrats!!! :D

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Please Again

I'm sorry for those who were in the hurricane. D:  Please pray for everyone to not have bad storms.  It's kind of raining here.

How to get 2 Monkeys + Backpacks + Monkeys Only Party

So monkeys are the monthly member gift and they are very cute.  You can adopt more than one.  Here's a picture first though:
It's throwing bananas!  Also here's an interesting fact about monkeys:
In the wild monkeys don't like bananas; but humans introduce them to bananas.

Wonder why everyone thinks monkeys go bananas for bananas?

Well here's the steps of how you get another monkey:

1. Click on your animal where you go to change your looks.

2. Click on your pet thing.

3. If you have an open pet slot it should look like this:

4. Click the open pet slot.

5. You should see dogs, cats. etc., and a monkey.

6. Click the monkey.

7. Customize and name your monkey then you're finished!

Okay so here's the new backpacks:

This is the dark blue one which I kind of like.  It isn't too girly though, but might suit anyone looking for these colors.

Now we have this pink one.  This would be something probably for a girl who loves pink, or is just girly.  It's pretty nice.

This backpack kind of reminds me of the first one...  Does this remind anyone sweat shirt colors?  But overall it has nice colors, casual.

This one is light blue.  Something maybe for a Jammer who's colors were like a light blue sky.

Now here's a "deep" purple one.  It looks kind of like the purple-like fox hat.

Here is a back pack that looks like a faded orange...

A black backpack...  It might be the best if you're the type of person who needs something that goes with anything.

This one is a dark green and to me, looks like a Christmas Tree color.

They're like back-to-school items, but are more human related.  Luckily they're for non-members too.  You can find them in the Jam Mart Clothing store for 400 gems.

Also the Monkeys Only Party came out.  Here's my video:

Well anyways tell me what you think of the new stuff!

Thanks for reading!

Best of wishes!